Streetscapes / Parks / Trails / Open Space



Streetscapes, Parks, Trails and Open Space is a wide and varied category. While many of these elements may be part of a larger project, they are sometimes treated as separate projects, or at least separate plans and working within these categories requires unique skill sets.  

Streetscape Vista Sorrento ParkwayStreetscapes often include elements such as site furnishings, specialty pavements, public art, bicycle trails or cycle tracks, as well as a number of other theme oriented elements such as street trees and even shrub mass types. Working within agency standards is an important consideration for many of these types of projects. This is because often the agency (City, Maintenance District, Master Association, etc.) is the party that will ultimately be the responsible for maintenance of the improvements. Someone on your team, who is well versed in construction methods, as well as agency standards and turn-over protocol, is very valuable for this type of project. Steve Cook has the experience to be that person on your team.

Torrey Hills ParkThe complexities of designing parks, which often include picnic areas, play equipment, passive use areas as well active use areas such as regulation sports fields and exercise equipment can be a challenge. The parks may include a par course, camp sites, equestrian trails, and a host of other amenities. If not planned for in the entitlement process, the list of elements may be influenced by the public or other stakeholders. Community outreach and possibly interdepartmental meetings are sometimes necessary to develop the program for the park. Accessibility issues are usually present and can play a major role in the park design. There are security issues also which may be less of a concern for other categories of design. Park design requires a seasoned lead designer with experience in all of these issues. Steve Cook has designed parks with all of these various elements and can bring that experience to your team

Mercy Mira Mesa TrailsDesigning a trail through a native or revegetated open space, rather than creating an accessible path from a parking lot to a business entrance is completely different. Both are pedestrian access routes. However, when designing a tail, the designer must considers natural slopes and drainage courses, existing geology and soil types as they relate to drainage, valuable stands of native plant material, etc., These factors, among others, will contribute to the ultimate centerline of the path, the trail’s pavement surface, trail bed base materials, drainage solutions and other elements which will become part of the trail system. So a Landscape Architect with a knowledge base of soil characteristics (as related to drainage especially), pedestrian surfaces and their associated base materials, as well as a good grasp of grading and drainage elements and practices, along with a wide vocabulary of California native plant species is a valuable team member. Steve Cook can bring these skills to your team.

Open Space is a general term pertaining to the areas that are set aside from development. With that said, they often include various improvements within their limits. Some of these improvements include drainage basins (sometimes configured as a dual use sports field), natural treatment drainage systems, fuel modification areas, trails of various types, utility access roads, revegetated constructed slopes and mitigation areas. While these elements may seem diverse and varied, Steve Cook has knowledge and experience with all of them. Steve’s understanding of these elements would make him an asset to your team if your project includes open space requirements.

Samples of Steve Cook's Streetscapes / Parks / Trails  & Open Space Projects


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