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    Ninth Street to Humor Drive, Anaheim, California (Landscape Architecture)

    Stantec provided civil engineering and design services for the project between Ninth Street and Humor Drive to reduce traffic congestion and enhance aesthetics along the corridor.


    San Diego, California (Landscape Architect) 

    As the landscape architect, Steve was responsible for preparing the site development plan and construction documents for the complete remodel of an existing 15-acre park, which was built adjacent to a closed county landfill site.


     (Landscape Architect)

    Steve prepared the landscape construction documents for the screening of this treatment plant expansion project.


    San Diego, California (Landscape Architect)

    As the landscape architect, Steve was responsible for preparing the site development plan and construction documents for a 3-acre park, which was shared jointly with the City recreation center and an elementary school.


    Fullerton, California (Landscape Architect)

    As the landscape architect, Steve was responsible for developing the landscape construction documents for complete streetscape improvements, which included a two-year maintenance and acceptance into LMD. The project was located on Bastanchury Road from west of Fairway Island to east of Memorial Drive.

Archive Module

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Friday the 14th. From Conceptual Design & Entitlement Support to Successful Construction Turnover, Ritz Landscape can help you.. Joomla 3.0 templates. All rights reserved.