PA40 NTS Basin*1


PA40 Natural Treatment System (NTS) BasinIrvine California (Project Manager)Steve served as project manager for preparing the landscape construction documents and providing construction support of Planning Area 40’s (PA 40) Natural Treatment System (NTS) Basin. PA 40 is a development project located immediately north of the I-5 freeway, south of Trabuco Road, west of The Great Park, and east of Jeffrey Road.

Read more: PA40 NTS Basin*1

Sorrento Hills /Torrey Hills *2


San Diego, California (Landscape Architect) 

Torrey Hills StretscapeAs the Landscape Architect, Steve was responsible for preparing the construction documents and providing construction management services for this 650-acre, mixed-used development.  

Read more: Sorrento Hills /Torrey Hills *2

Amberwalks I and II *2

Murietta, California (Project Manager)

Amberwalk II PlaygroundSteve managed the preparation of the construction documents for these multi-family housing developments (Amberwalk I - 26 building, 93 unit, Amberwalk II – 19 buildings, 93 units) for D.R. Horton.


Read more: Amberwalks I and II *2

Redhawk *3

Temecula, California (Landscape Architect)

redhawk GDPAs the Landscape Architect, Steve was responsible for production of landscape construction improvements plans for the Community Service Association. The plans for this 1,240-acre, master-planned community included schools, parks, and a premier golf facility. It also included treatment of streetscape, greenbelts, slopes, and neighborhood parks.

Read more: Redhawk *3

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