Land Development


 Land Development is a large category and much of Steve's experience through the 90's and early 2000’s, during the development boom (the real estate bubble as it was called by some) was devoted to the land development category.  

Amberwalk I - Multi-family ResidentialWorking closely with Land Planners, he helped many large developers gain entitlement approvals. Then he and his teams, most often lead by the developer, which often included Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Mappers, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineers, Dry Utility Consultants, Lighting Consultants, and the like, refined the concepts in the design development process. The construction document phases followed swiftly and effectively and the plans gained the necessary approvals from the local agencies. Construction of some of these projects lasted years, while others lasted only months. Steve still considers this ne of the most challenging, and rewarding, areas of landscape architecture because of its inherent complexity. 

 Samples of Steve Cook's Land Development Projects