Concept Documents / Entitlement Support


Ritz Landscape has been helping clients successfully gain approvals from large agencies and municipalities as well as small associations for many years. Ritz Landscape offers the entitlement support that you sometimes need to gain those approvals.  

Mecca Roundabout ConceptWhether it is generating language or graphics for your specific or precise plans, or producing Landscape Concept Plans for your Tentative Maps, or generating Illustrative graphics for public hearings or other stakeholder meetings, Ritz Landscape has the resources to support your efforts.

While Ritz Landscape has helped numerous individual homeowners gain approvals through their local agencies or associations, the bulk of Ritz Landscape’s entitlement experience includes helping Land Developers with projects which often includes acres of set-aside mitigation areas, storm water basins (or other natural treatment systems), fuel modification areas, regional or neighborhood parks, streetscapes, master slope / erosion control, typical front yards, common landscape areas, and the list goes on.

Whether the project is measured in acres, or square feet, Ritz Landscape has experience in producing concept documents and providing entitlement support that will help you obtain the approvals necessary to elevate your project to the design development and construction document stages.

Ritz Landscape works closely with Civil Engineers, Land Planners, Surveyor/Mappers, and any other consultants; as well as City, County or other agency staff that may influence your project’s successful approvals.


Wednesday the 12th. From Conceptual Design & Entitlement Support to Successful Construction Turnover, Ritz Landscape can help you.. Joomla 3.0 templates. All rights reserved.